Denise resides west of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
She has a passion for miniatures that developed in childhood.
She volunteers for a community historical society
helping preserve and provide tours of
a property dating back to the1820's,
which just so happens to feature a room full of dollhouses.
Her mini bucket list includes designing and remodeling
matching dollhouses for her two granddaughters.
However, as miniaturists know,
doll houses aren't only for girls,
so she shouldn't be surprised if her grandson,
being the oldest, takes dibs on her very own large dollhouse.
This Victorian masterpiece is full of items
with personal connections
to her favorite activities and holidays,
including the supernatural and Halloween.
It features gramps in his casket in the parlor
surrounded by his miniature family mourning his passing.
This page is dedicated to Denise's Miniatures.